3 Mount Elizabeth, #14-15, Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore 228510

Dr Ronnie Mathew

About Doctors

Dr Ronnie MATHEW

Medical Director, Colorectal & Cancer Care Specialist
Senior Consultant, General Surgery & Colorectal Surgery
Robotic & Laparoscopic Specialist
MBBS, MRCS (Edinburgh), MRCS (Glasgow), 
FRCSEd General Surgery (declared Sub-speciality: Colorectal Surgery)

Almost 30 years of surgical experience

Over 10 000+ procedures done

One of the few private specialists with dual specialist
registration; in Singapore and the United Kingdom

Prominent opinion leader in Colorectal Surgery

Robotic and laparoscopic surgery  specialist


Amongst the first group of six colorectal surgeons in Europe to be formally accredited to undertake Robotic Colorectal Surgery (by the European Association of Robotic Colorectal Surgery)


International Trainer of the Year award from the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain and Ireland.

The Sole recipient of this award anywhere outside of the UK till now.  The award was given ‘in recognition of the delivery of exceptional training and creating a learning environment in which to provide outstanding patient care’
‘British Travelling Fellow to USA’ award

‘British Travelling Fellow to USA’ award in 2015.

This prestigious award is only given to one specialist each year. Dr Ronnie Mathew is the only surgeon in Singapore to have received this award.

Singapore National award for ‘Top 10 Most Impactful Healthcare Projects’ for a project led by Dr Ronnie on ‘Artificial Intelligence in Colorectal Cancer’

Dr. Ronnie is a Senior Consultant Surgeon with around 27 years of Surgical experience. He is one of the few surgeons currently in private practice in Singapore, who has a dual Specialist Registration in General Surgery: from both the United Kingdom (General Medical Council) and Singapore (Singapore Medical Council). Dr. Ronnie’s Sub-Speciality interest is in Colorectal Surgery. He is a keen proponent of Minimally Invasive Surgery, especially Robotic Surgery. Ronnie was amongst the first group of six colorectal surgeons in Europe to be formally accredited to undertake Robotic Colorectal Surgery by the European Association of Robotic Colorectal Surgery. 
He undertook all his Surgical training in the United Kingdom. The last seven years of this was in a comprehensive Higher Surgical Specialist training in General Surgery and its various Sub-Specialities. He completed an additional three years of Clinical Research in Surgery. 
Following the attainment of Specialist Registration in the UK in 2011, he undertook various International Fellowships from 2012-2013, including in Singapore [SGH], South Korea, and Switzerland.
In 2013, he then returned to take up a Consultant position in one of the UK’s busiest Tertiary Hospitals. It regularly ranks within the top three hospitals in the UK for Colorectal Cancer workload [as per UK’s NBOCA data] as well as high Emergency General Surgery volume. Here he was instrumental as a co-lead, in setting up the Robotic Surgery programme. He was part of sub- specialist group for treating Pelvic Floor Disorders in the regional county of Leicestershire and for Trans-Anal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TEO/TAMIS) for early rectal cancer in the East Midlands region. He was a UK National level Faculty Trainer for TEO operations.
Following an invitation from the Department of Colorectal Surgery at SGH, Dr. Ronnie came to Singapore in March 2016 to join the Dept. as a Consultant. He became a Senior Consultant a few years later. Here he held the post of Director of Research along with various board memberships including in Robotic Surgery at SGH. After spending eight years at SGH, Ronnie left to start his private practice at Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre in April 2024. 
In addition to his decades of clinical experience and specialist expertise, Ronnie has been recognised with multiple international and national awards. In 2021, he received the award of ‘International Trainer of the Year’. This award from the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain and Ireland was given ‘in recognition of the delivery of exceptional training and creating a learning environment in which to provide outstanding patient care’. To date, Ronnie is the sole recipient of this award outside of the UK. He won the prestigious ‘British Travelling Fellow to USA’ award in 2015 (awarded to only one specialist each year). In recognition of this award, the American Association of Colon and Rectal Surgeons invited Dr. Ronnie to present at their Annual Scientific meeting as well as the opportunity to undertake Travelling Fellowships in any of the major hospitals in the USA. He decided to undertake Fellowships at Cleveland Clinic Hospital and the University of California Irvine Hospital. 
Nationally, he has won multiple awards, including the award for ‘Top 10 Most Impactful Healthcare Projects’ at the Singapore National Health IT summit in 2018 (for the project led by Dr Ronnie: ‘Artificial Intelligence in Colorectal Cancer: Prediction for Recurrence, Optimal Surveillance, and Treatment’). He has over forty publications including in Nature, Lancet, Annals of Surgery, etc. 
Ronnie continues to maintain his passion for clinical excellence in providing high-quality healthcare and keeping patients’ interests at the heart of all he does.

  • Robotic Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Colorectal Surgery:
    • Colorectal Cancer: including advanced and recurrent cancers
    • Diverticular Disease Management: including Diverticulitis, Bleed, Stricture, Fistula related to Diverticular Disease
    • Colonoscopy for:
        • Colorectal Cancer Screening & Surveillance
        • Diagnostic and Therapeutic colonoscopy (including advanced Polypectomy, Diverticular bleed, Colonic strictures, and Radiation proctitis).
    • Complex Ano-Proctology: Haemorrhoids, Fissure, Fistula, Abscess
    • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease
    • Functional Bowel Disorders: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Incontinence, Slow Transit Constipation
    • Pelvic Floor Disorders: Constipation/Incontinence, Rectal Prolapse, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
    • Trans-Anal: Endoscopic Micro Surgery (TEMS/TEO) / Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS)
    • Healthy Gut
  • General Surgery:
    • Appendix
    • Gall Bladder
    • Hernias
    • Small Bowel tumours and diseases
    • Adhesiolysis, Intestinal Obstruction

  • Singapore Medical Council: Specialist Accreditation, 2016
  • Ministry of Health, Specialist Accreditation, 2015
  • General Medical Council, UK: Specialist Accreditation, 2011
  • General Medical Council, UK: Full Registration, 2001

  • European Association of Robotic Colorectal Surgery (EARCS), 2015 (Dr Mathew was amongst the first group of six colorectal surgeons in Europe to be formally accredited to undertake Robotic Colorectal Surgery by the EARCS)

  • 2015: Travelling Fellowship to Colorectal Surgical Units in UC Irvine California and Cleveland Clinic Florida, USA (as part of the ‘2015 British Travelling Fellowship to USA’ award from ACPGBI, RSM UK, and ASCRS)
  • 2013: Brief Visiting Fellowship, St Gallen Hospital, Switzerland: in Pelvic Floor Surgery
  • 2013: For six months: Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul: in Robotic Colorectal Surgery
  • 2012: For one year: Singapore General Hospital, in Pan-Colorectal conditions including Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • 2011: For six months: Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK: mainly in Laparoscopic Colorectal surgery

  • International Trainer of the Year 2021. Awarded on 7 July 2021, by the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain & Ireland (ACPGBI) along with DUKE’s Club. This prestigious award is given only to one international trainer in the world each year, ‘in recognition of the delivery of exceptional training and creating a learning environment in which to provide outstanding patient care’ (ACPGBI criteria for awarding).Since the inception of this ‘Trainer of the Year’ award category by the ACPGBI, Dr Ronnie Mathew is the sole International recipient (outside of the UK) to receive this prestigious award to date.
  •  The 2015 British Travelling Fellow to the USA’ awarded by the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain & Ireland (ACPGBI), Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) UK, and in conjunction with the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS). Awarded February 2015. This annual award is given to one person each year from Great Britain and Ireland.

    The award included undertaking Visiting Fellowships at selected US hospitals (Colorectal Departments of Cleveland Clinic, Florida, and University of California, Irvine) and invited podium presentation at ASCRS Boston May 2015 Annual Scientific meeting.

  • Singapore National Health-Tech Challenge 2018: Award for the ‘Top 10 Most Impactful Projects’. Awarded at National Health IT Summit, Singapore, 17 July 2018.
    Project: ‘Artificial Intelligence in Colorectal Cancer: Prediction for Recurrence, Optimal Surveillance, and Treatment’.
    The award included the promise of funding for a project underwritten by Singapore’s National Integrated Health Information Systems (IHiS).
    Principal Investigator: Dr. Ronnie Mathew
  • Training Award
    • International Trainer of the Year 2021. Awarded to Dr Ronnie Mathew on 7 July 2021, by Association of Coloproctology Great Britain & Ireland along with DUKE’s Club. This prestigious award is in given to only one international trainer each year, in recognition of delivery of exceptional training and creating a learning environment in which to provide outstanding patient care.
      Since the inception of this ‘Trainer of the Year’ award category by the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain & Ireland, Dr Ronnie Mathew is still the sole International (outside of UK) recipient to receive this prestigious award till to-date.
  • Clinical Research related Awards & Grants
    • Rosette award for Oral presentation selected for BJS (British Journal of Surgery) prize session at the Annual Scientific meeting of the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain and Ireland, at Harrogate 5-7 July 2021. This BJS prize session was for the top 6 abstracts selected for this meeting.
      Presentation: ‘Systematic review and meta-analysis of complete mesocolic excision hemicolectomy versus conventional D2 hemicolectomy’. HY Song, CH Koo, R Mathew (Senior Author)
    • AM-ETHOS Duke-NUS Medical Student Fellowship Award (AY2020-AY2021) from the Joint Office of Academic Medicine (JOAM).
      • Project Title: Rate of lymph node yield and its positivity comparing complete mesocolic excision and central vascular ligation versus conventional right hemicolectomy: systematic review and meta-analysis.

      • Award No.: AM-ETHOS01/FY2020/09-A09, awarded 9 June 2020 Dr. Ronnie Mathew: Research Mentor and Supervisor for Duke-NUS medical student

    • Award from DataRobot for ‘Artificial Intelligence for Good Program’. This award includes use of DataRobot AI Software along with Professional Services from DataRobot for one year, for use on project: ‘AI for Colorectal cancer for risk prediction for recurrence, optimal surveillance and treatment’.

      • Principal Investigator: Dr. Ronnie Mathew
      • Award’s equivalent monetary value: S$380K [DataRobot professional services of S$180K (USD$132K) and software S$200K (>USD$150K)].
      • This award from DataRobot is from their philanthropic international grant funding program: ‘AI for Good’. Our project was one of the six international award recipients and the only one from Asia-Pacific to receive this. (Award recipients; four from the USA, one from Europe, and one from Asia Pacific). The scope of this grant was pan-industry based including healthcare, environmental, social, demographic, and geographical-based projects, etc.
    • Award from SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medicine (AM) Research Grant Call FY2020, for a clinical trial: An open-label randomized controlled trial comparing Hemospray® with conventional treatment to cease bleeding in patients with severe colonic diverticular bleeding.
      • Co-Investigator: Dr. Ronnie Mathew
      • Awarded 16 January 2020
      • Award quantum: 50,000 SGD
    • First prize for Best Oral Presentation at SingHealth Duke-NUS Surgical & Anaesthesia Congress 2019, Singapore, 20-21 September 2019
      Systematic review and meta-analysis on colorectal cancer findings on colonoscopy after CT confirmed acute diverticulitis.
      C H Koo, J Chang, R Mathew (final author of this study)
    • SingHealth Foundation (SHF) Research Grant Call 2017
      Grant of SGD 50,000 grant amount for a two-year period. Awarded for a clinical research project.Principal Investigator: Dr. Ronnie Mathew
    • Best Abstract Award to Dr Ronnie Mathew, United European Gastroenterology Week, Madrid, November 2003.
  • MedTech and Surgical Innovation related Awards & Grants
    • SingHealth award for MedTech Innovation Grant
      Project: Innovative Advanced Surgical Lighting system
      Project Principal Investigator and Lead: Dr. Ronnie Mathew
      Awarded August 2022. Grand Award duration for the project: One year
      Amount S$ 21,350
      Awarded by: Joint Office of Academic Medicine, SingHealth
    • National Grant Award for Innovation
      Awarding body: Singapore - Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART). SMART is a major national research enterprise by the National
      Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore in partnership with MIT:
      Project: ‘Innovative Surgical Specimen Retrieval Bag in Minimally Invasive Surgery – for
      Smaller wounds and improved patient outcomes. A SMART Bag’
      Grant quantum S$50,000 (Ignition Grant) for one year, Awarded June 2019
      Principal Investigator: Dr. Ronnie Mathew
    • Grant award for Innovative Clinical Device Development
      Awarding body: from ‘Health-Tech Nanyang Technological University - Surgery Academic Clinical Programme’.
      Project: ‘Advanced and Innovative Stapler Device for Haemorrhoidectomy’
      Grant quantum S$100,000 for one and a half years. Awarded May 2019.
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. Ronnie Mathew
    • Singapore National Health-Tech Challenge 2018: Award for the ‘Top 10 Most Impactful Projects’. Awarded at National Health IT Summit, Singapore, 17 July 2018.
      Project: ‘Artificial Intelligence in Colorectal Cancer: Prediction for Recurrence, Optimal Surveillance, and Treatment’.
      The award included promise of funding for a project underwritten by Singapore’s National Integrated Health Information Systems (IHiS).
      Principal Investigator: Dr. Ronnie Mathew
  • Service-related Award
    • Silver Award at the Singapore Health Quality Service Award (SHQSA) January 2018
    • Healthcare Hero Appreciation for fight against Covid, 2019
  • Academic Awards
    • The 2015 British Travelling Fellow to the USA’ awarded to Dr. Ronnie Mathew by the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain & Ireland (ACPGBI), Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) UK, and in conjunction with the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS). Awarded February 2015. This award is only given to one person every year from Great Britain and Ireland.
      The award included undertaking Visiting Fellowships at US hospitals (Colorectal departments of Cleveland Clinic, Florida, and University of California, Irvine) and invited podium presentation at ASCRS Boston May 2015 annual meeting.
    • Association of Coloproctology Great Britain and Ireland Travelling Fellowship Award to Dr. Ronnie Mathew to attend and present at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting, Cairns Australia, July 2011.
    • United European Gastroenterology Federation Travel grant award to Dr. Ronnie Mathew to attend and present at United European Gastroenterology Federation, November 2003

  • American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
  • Robotic Surgery Society of Singapore
  • Society of Colorectal Surgeons, Singapore
  • European Association of Robotic Colorectal Surgeons
  • Association of Coloproctology Great Britain Ireland
  • European Society of Coloproctology
  • European Society of Surgical Oncology

  • Senior Consultant Nov 2020 to March 2024 (Consultant March 2016–Oct 2020): Department of Colorectal Surgery, Division of Surgery & Surgical Oncology, Singapore General Hospital & National Cancer Centre.
      • Clinical Assistant Professor, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore
      • Clinical Assistant Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
      • Director of Research, Dept of Colorectal Surgery, Division of Surgery and Surgical Oncology at SGH and NCCS

I worked as a Senior Consultant Surgeon for eight years at the Department of Colorectal Surgery at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and National Cancer Centre Singapore. I undertook comprehensive management of all aspects of Colorectal Cancers- both early and advanced cancers, various benign Colorectal diseases, Proctology-related conditions as well as colonoscopy and upper GI endoscopy for both diagnostic and therapeutic.

  • Consultant in General Surgery with a special interest in Colorectal Surgery, University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester, UK
    Subspecialist interests during this post:

    • Minimally Invasive Colorectal and General Surgery (Laparoscopic, and particularly Robotic surgery)
    • Dr Mathew co-founded the Robotic Colorectal Surgery Program at the University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust.
    • Early Rectal Cancer Management and Trans anal Endoscopic operations (TEO)
    • Dr Mathew was the co-lead for the Early Rectal Cancer Management Network for the East Midlands region, United Kingdom
    • Dr Mathew was part of the specialist three-member colorectal surgical group providing Pelvic Floor Dysfunction services for Leicestershire and surrounding areas, UK.


Colorectal Care Specialists (CRCS)

3 Mount Elizabeth, #14-15, Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore 228510

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    Mon to Fri : 8.30 am to 6.30 pm

    Sat : 8.30 am to 2.00 pm

    +65 6738 0328
    +65 9725 2381
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